I was typing an article in wordpress, which is usually a mistake, but I figured that I had quite a bit of battery life on my laptop. I had saved the draft several times and watched it autosave several times as well. Suddenly, with about 80% power, my laptop just shut off. The batter entirely discharged instantly and it won’t turn on even when plugged in. Thankfully I just built a desktop. I bought the parts for the desktop and a new smaller laptop because I’m about to go back to school and needed a more powerful pc and a less heavy and less worn out laptop. The weird thing is that on my desktop the draft for wordpress is not available. It’s like my browser was just going through the motions without actually sending any data to the wordpress servers. So the whole post is gone unless by some form of magic it is still in the ram on my apparently defunct laptop that I really hope is still under warranty.
I don’t know why the laptop battery discharged, but it did. I also don’t know why it suddenly turned back on when I came back into my study after a brief errand. I do know that when WordPress initially loaded it just told me that the link was broken. Then when I hit back, then forward, the page came back with my entire post. So I saved it as a draft, again, and now it is available on my desktop.
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