I cannot tell if this is the most powerful piece of journalism ever written or a recently discovered H.P. Lovecraft fragment, but here is a “
As promised I release a dark secret on New Year's Eve…the most grotesque plans in motion revealed to me by mole inside Karl Rove office, regarding what he, Huber, the Utah deep state, and establishment GOP is planning …what Romney thinks he has masterminded
— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) January 1, 2019
strap in…
As promised I release a dark secret on New Year’s Eve…the most grotesque plans in motion revealed to me by mole inside Karl Rove office, regarding what he, Huber, the Utah deep state, and establishment GOP is planning …what Romney thinks he has masterminded
strap in…Romney isn’t who he seems…he isn’t WHAT he seems. His plans in 2012 were grotesque beyond imagining and didn’t stop at the White House; this is why he makes bid again. The GOPe and Fed plan to crash economy to let him primary Trump; but he knows this won’t work…Romney became Utah senator and together with Utah mafia, Harry Reid and Amazon plans to take over the NSA facility in that state…he has arranged with Huber to release fake info on Trump that can be used by factions in military to declare state of emergency and coup in 2019After military and intel-agency coup in 2019 (much of internet will be shut down) Romney will be chosen as a “compromise” replacement. Much of what Louise Mensch says is true, or rather what they’re planning to do…
What they don’t realize is WHO Romney is, what he plans….After taking over in state of emergency Romney will be given 3-6 months by a compliant congress/Supreme Court to rule with near dictatorial powers. This is when he intends to put his grotesque plan, his Great Work in motion…By the use of cybernetic replaceable body parts and advanced nanotechnology that has been kept secret, as well as the latest advances in bio-engineering Romney plans to achieve eternal life …he plans to use a section of the White House to host what he already calls “The Body”..Romney’s body will become an indefinitely-expanding mass, formed by replaceable parts. He means by this not only to be worshiped as a god, but understands it as the true “End of History” scenario…he sees himself as ultimate Synthesis of Christian theology and modern TechnologyRomney sees this version of himself as “Technology become Flesh” (he reads Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger obsessively) and very literally as the Incarnation at the end of times. His body, self-replicating, expanding mass will be worshiped by throngs of crazed followers who come….He understands himself furthermore as the pinnacle of all thought and all life, synthesis of Greek philosophy and Biblical religion. Certain emissions of this cyborg-body will be given to followers as “Flesh” to replace communion…he will be called The Romney. Total powerThe Romney will become a faceless, expanding mass of both human flesh and cybernetic electroid material …he say “I am the Spirit become Flesh at the end of time”…I heard him say this myself, he had very casual voice
The Romney will rule with severe and absolute authority…The imaginings and ambitions of this man are boundless and without any limits…he has designed furthermore convoluted justifications of himself as the pinnacle not only of Christian prophecy but of many other religions. He has referred to himself as The Romney, The TotalityHe wants for there to be yearly pilgrimages for the adoration of his “Eternal Body,” which as The Romney he means to have a quite literal existence
May the New Year save us from these demonic and grotesque designs.

/end thred